Saturday, April 12, 2014

Baja 3 - Back Across

Since we had an early evening, we had an early morning.  Cleaned and dried with 40-grit towels, we were loaded and out by 8:30 AM.  The restaurants and food vendors weren't even open yet.  No coffee, but we head out anyway. 

Guerrero Negro is known for whales calving in it's bay every spring.  March is supposed to be the height of the season so we figured there may still be a few whales around in mid April. 

The road to Laguna Ojo de Liebre is just down Highway 1.  It is supposed to be a great place for viewing the whales plus we were told that guides with their Panga boats will take you out for a closer look.   

We turn off onto what looks to be a paved road.  That dream was short lived however.  About 1/4 mile in the road is now dirt, salt, sand and gravel.  For 13 miles each way we navigate our way to and from the beach. 

We arrive at the beach hoping to be one of the first tours of the day.  Instead, we find the place vacated.  No signs of life on the land or the sea.  Apparently the whales have left for the season and so have the guides and what ever other inhabitants might have been there. 

Back on the bikes, we head toward Santa Rosalia.  Here, we will be catching a ferry to Guaymas on the mainland.  We have been warned that since Easter was approaching reservations on the ferry are very important. We hear stories about people waiting several days to catch a ride.  

The weather is overcast and in the easy 70's as we cruise back over to the Sea of Cortez side.  It slowly warmed up after we had arrived. 

Heading into town, we pass the effort to re-establish the copper mining operation that was established and abandoned by the French many years ago. 

We stop at the ferry terminal on our way in.  After about a 1/2 of an hour, the ticket office opens and we easily make reservations and pay for our passage.  Let's hope they don't tend to overbook like the airlines do…. It's also getting quite windy.  We wonder if a storm is blowing in that might curtail our plans?  

We head out to have a little dinner and libation.  First stop turns out to be a Chinese place. Had a couple of beers there and struck up a conversation with a guy from Whitehorse, down here working with the mining company.  Interesting guy.   

Afterwards we drop into town, have a decent meal and begin a search for a little Cantina to have a drink before returning to the room.  It just so happens that Boxing is a really big deal around here and there happens to be a fight in progress.  The couple of bars we do find are either charging a cover or are loud and "seedy".   Oh well.  Call it a day….   Lots of time tomorrow then a whole new adventure begins on the other side of the Mar de Cortez. 

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