Today, we began our journey to Mexico. Our route took us over highway 74 to highway 371 to highway 79 and on to some other astonishingly twisty roads. The altitude and temperature change of our ride was somewhat unexpected. We went from the relative sea level of Palm Springs to the twisty roads over mountains defining the area to the high flat land of Tecate.
The temperatures ranged from a promising 70or 80 in Palm Springs to freezing and probably below above 4000 feet (which we reached several times.) We stopped several times in a smattering of small towns or what ever was convenient, just to get off the bikes and restart circulation. Cold! Startlingly cold. We were dressed for much warmer temperatures than we encountered.
The countryside is beautiful and goes through numerous variations along the way. A geologist could explain it, but a well chosen route none the less. Highly recommended for anyone else who has shelved their sanity and opted for adventure.
When we finally dropped down to Tecate, we saw a very pretty area. A sprawling town draped over rolling hills As of this writing, we haven't yet explored much of the town. Just enough that we know we want to see more.
We had a very good dinner at a

restaurant close to our hotel. It was night capped by a drink at a dance club just a little further down from that.
Back to the room, we will explore and travel on maƱana.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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